Prenatal Companion
Birth Services
(A Great Option First Time Mamas!)
Prenatal Services
You're the BOSS of your BODY, your BABY, your EXPERIENCE....
Not planning a home birth but want access to valuable supportive childbirth professionals, network and resources?
​We've got you! The mission of BBG's Prenatal Companion is to provide a supportive community for expectant mothers who want to be empowered, informed, active participants in their own health care team, regardless of birth setting! Clients who opt for this service will plan to give birth in the hospital setting.​
Always accepting new clients into this program!
Program Benefits
Prenatal Visits
Monthly visits with the BBG Midwifery Team
Beautiful Childbirth resources, PDFs, Research Based Articles
Doula Support
Full scope doula who supports you during pregnancy, labor and birth
Childbirth education, lactation, postpartum planning
** Payment plans available​
30 min
75 US dollars
Program Goals
Mothers who participate in this service will:
Become comfortable advocating for themselves.
Adopt a proactive approach to their maternal healthcare.
Understand the importance of self-advocacy in efforts to prevent harmful medical acts against their bodies.
Overcome fear of presenting questions to their maternal healthcare providers.
Become knowledgeable about informed consent.
Consider their relationships with their providers as "partnerships".
Recognize the importance of preparation for labor and birth by participating in lactation and childbirth education and sessions with a supportive midwife
Recognize the importance of researching before making decisions.
Become comfortable with declining procedures and/or saying "NO" when appropriate.
Recognize the importance of a healthy pregnancy with an emphasis on nutrition.
Understand the importance of postpartum preparation, The Fourth Trimester.
Feel that they were a part of the decision-making processes during the course of their entire experience.